Making Sauerkraut
First off I have to admit to
being a bit of a foodie and I love Sauerkraut but getting naturally
fermented sauerkraut here in the UK in my experience impossible and
if you can it tends to be expensive. So I went and had a look on
YouTube for some instructions on how to do it, and my first efforts
worked well. I’ve just made another batch and took pictures as I
was doing it. So this is a how to show on making Sauerkraut.
Just to say that this is about
making basic sauerkraut but you can add additional flavours with
garlic, other veg and spices at some point I will try chilli but this
week I want the clean taste of a basic sauerkraut.
I use a large white cabbage
which you need to strip any outer leaves that are blemished or dirty
then quarter and cut out the hard core. Now before shredding weigh
the cabbage as you need this to work out how much salt you will add
for each Killo of cabbage and other vegetables if using you need 20
grammes of salt, nothing fancy but use one without any any additives,
just pure salt, I used a rock salt which cost £1.35 for 350g. Your
basically after 2% salt to weight of Cabbage and anything else you
are fermenting.
It’s also an idea to have
about 100mls of a 2% brine to top up if needed to cover the veg in
the jar if there is not quite enough liquid made during mashing.
Shred the cabbage and put into
a large bowl with the salt, now the fun bit starts. You need to get
your hands in and start to crush the salt covered shredded cabbage to
start drawing out the moisture, this will take several minutes or
longer depending on quantity, but you will feel the texture changing
and the liquid starting to be drawn out quite soon after starting.
Continue this process until the cabbage seems to have shrunk by about
half and there is also a juice in the bottom of the bowl. You can
cheat and do this for a few minutes then cover with food wrap and
leave for up to an hour and the salt will have done some of the work
for you, but you need to give it a good 5 minutes to start before you
do this, and you may have to do a little more mashing before
transferring to a jar.
At this stage find a jar or
jars, large enough to hold all the cabbage with a little to spare,
you can sterilise if you wish but a good clean in hot soapy water
then rinsed and allowed to dry is sufficient as the salt kills and
bad bacteria and encourages to good bacteria to grow. Put all you
salted and mashed cabbage mix in the jar/jars well packed down with
the juice ensuring that the juice is covering the cabbage by about
1cm (this is where the extra saline solution comes in if you don’t
quite have enough.
Now put your lid on but not
overly tight as this is a fermented product and if there is no where
for the gas to go then you could have a pressure explosion in your
cupboard (some people use wine makers fermenting valves but this is a
little overkill and more cost than needed)
Tuck the jar away in a storage
place that’s about room temp and leave for several days checking
every so often to see how it is. If the brine has evaporated you may
need to top up slightly. After about a week you should have
sauerkraut, give it a try, if its sour enough this is when you take
it and put in the fridge or cold cellar/garage to stop the
fermenting. All you have to do now is start eating, oh, and make your
next batch ready for when that’s gone.
For a link to my Hacker Public Radio show on this topic visit:
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